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We are a community of people dedicated to raise funds for the American Cancer Society for cancer research.


National Charity Model Search

Time is ticking. Just a reminder that March 24th is the last session I am accepting for the child model contest.

For ages 18 months to 14 years of age.
I submit images to an online voting website.
You ask family and friends to vote for your child.
Each vote costs $1 and goes directly to Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep.
Winner of contest receives a scholarship and camera plus
a chance to model for a day.

Session fee is $125 for two siblings for a 45 minute to 1 hour session.

Have a wonderful day!


Testing 1,2,3...

This was an attempt to upload larger images and I finally figured it out. The previous attempt lasted on only two posts so let's see how long this will last.

Cup of Java this morning, no not beer. I know it's 5 'o clock some where ;)

As you can see, I'm still having difficulty. I'll figure it out sooner or later. ;)

Happy St. Patty's Day!

It was a nice surprise to see this email from my girlfriend Tracy Cressio. So I copied it to share with you.

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Hope you're wearing green today!

...and I want to thank my Secret Sister for the above gift. Thanks Sister!

Have a Wonderful Day!



The Art of Hand Letter Writing

What ever happened to the art of developing a letter the old fashioned way, hand written?? I was reading the Merc over the weekend and came across the LifeStyle section where it was showcasing reader responses to comments or questions. This weekend's comment was, "Recently, I discovered..." The article was relating to one's self or travels but I ignored the suggestion and decided to write about hand written letters.

My response: Recently I discovered, but not really discovered because it is obvious, that no one writes hand written letters anymore.

I was reading Matt Nicolosi's blog earlier and he posted a picture of his hand written letter to his wife. It was very romantic! It reminded me, too, that we humans have really lost touch with the art of handwriting. We email, chat, blog and now twitter ourselves away. Reading a printout of your saved letters will never give you the same feeling as those hand written letter's bundled together ever so carefully. The feeling is almost like going back to the past and sometimes you can even smell it too. When was the last time you wrote, not typed, blogged, copied and pasted but hand wrote a letter? We are teaching our Kinders to write their name and the ABC's but what good does it do when they are taught to write essays on the computer in 1st grade? How about those teens you see at the supermarket texting away as if they had 5 thumbs on each hand? Technology can be a bad thing sometimes.

When I was a teen in middle school my best friend and I wrote letters to each other over the summer weekly. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to talk on the phone much so it was our little secret that she taped a dime inside each letter she wrote so that I could sneak away to the local 7 Eleven store and give her a call. I excitedly waited by the mailbox when the postman came around and couldn't wait to get my hands on the pink envelope to read the little scribbles of my dearest best friend Lorie!!

Of course, I was also excited to dash off to the store so I could call her too!

So, the next time you want to tell your kids or husband how much you love them, do it the old fashioned way, hand write it!

Happy Writing,



Boston Marathon Qualifier

Congratulations to Linda Nollette who just qualified for the Boston Marathon. Yes, I am bragging for her. That's Awesome Linda!!

Click on any image to enlarge.

Linda with daughter Bethany.


8x24 Sport Collage

Sadly soccer season has ended but keep your dream alive by ordering your sport collage. Here is another sample recently ordered in a 8x24 size.

Another idea is to bookmark it. Packages of 50 on 2x7 inch double sided bookmarks.

1st set of 50 = $65, 2nd set $50, 3rd set $40. Pass them out to friends like a bragg card.

Click on image to enlarge.


Sport Poster Sample 16x20

If you were interested in purchasing a sport collage I've posted a 16x20 sample below of my son.

Please contact me or you can order through my website here.

Click on image to enlarge.